Newest Addiction: The Lonely Island

Monday, December 19, 2011
My newest addiction is Andy Samberg.
Well, mostly what he does. I should say my newest addiction is Saturday Night Live. Or, maybe I should say it is the Lonely Island.

Don't know them?

Okay then. Here you go (warning: there is a lot of cussing if I'm right.):

So, you have to have a particular humor to like them, I guess. I have no clue. I just know I like them. And my favorite, of course, is Andy. I don't know why I like him best ether. xD They're obviously comedians, not wanna-be singers. But their music isn't like nails on chalkboard. It's not amazing, but it is super funny.

Anyway, I've become addicted to all things SNL and The Lonely Island and even Andy Samberg.
Is this a sign that I have no life?

Hell yes it it, hell yes.



  1. ... said...:

    I don't live in the US so I have no clue about some of these things =P
    First song: I like it
    The second video was interesting, but I like it =D
    I'll have to watch the third video later on because my net hates me -___-'

  1. Ovais said...:

    you do have a life. I'm addicted to Terra Nova, so yeah :P
    You've been awarded on my blog :)

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