Bird Ring!

Friday, December 16, 2011
Today, for the first time in forever, two friends who I have been seemingly separated from came to one of our favorite shopping centers with me. I wasn't excited, or nervous,or anything. We had never really something like this and we've known each other for 10 years. 10 years.

We use to be so close. Then something, I don't know what, tore us down. We slowly rebuilt our friendship back into existence, but now something doesn't feel the same. When I'm with them, and just them (it's different around groups of friends), I feel like I'm swinging my arms around wildly trying to figure them out in this darkness. I want that friendship back, but it feels like I'm forcing something that just won't, can't and doesn't want to be. And that hits me in the gut like a hammer.

I dunno.
But I did have a good day. I've found a new shop that I'm in L-O-V-E with. It is called Charming Charlies. There I found one of the best rings in history. It is this golden bird, twisting around, wings splayed in different directions. It's so beautiful. It takes up half my finger. I like big rings.

I was debating between that one and this dazzling blue, green rhinestone lizard. Yes, I like animals.

Then, when we stopped by Clarie's, I checked the clearance rack and found so cute, blue and gold earrings for only $3.50. Very pleased.

I like finding some things I'll never stop loving. I mean, I know I can't say no to the bird ring. I'm going to be wearing it a lot.

Can you believe that Christmas is so close? One week basically. I have only gotten one present. Major shopping MUST be done. xD I hope that I don't do everything last minute. Because I do that too much already. I seriously can't procrastinate on Christmas presents!

What are you asking for this holiday season? Hm?

I asked for a list of random things. Mostly gift cards and money. I mean, honestly, those are the best gifts. People can get you a gift, but you get to decided what you buy with them. And I like that control. xD

I mean, who doesn't?



  1. Ovais said...:

    Christmas Eve=My Birthday.
    That's when the fun is :P

  1. ... said...:

    I know the feeling you had with your friends =( Happened with me too.

  1. Jocelyn said...:

    Ovais- HAPPY BIRTHDAY (early)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How old are you turning? Will I have every right to call you an Old Fart? ;]

    Areesha- Aw!! :( I hate that you know how I feel, but it is also comforting.

  1. Ovais said...:

    Thank youuuu.
    19. So no, you can't call me old :D

  1. ... said...:

    Creepy, eh? =P We live on different sides of the world, but we've had similar experiences =P

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