
Sunday, October 2, 2011
I. Hate. The. Bleeping. Cold.

Okay, okay. I'll be a little more optimistic about it.

I hate the cold, but I do like Thanksgiving and Christmas!
...hey, I gave it my best...not really. xD

Anyway, it's been cold here lately. >.> I miss the warm, warm weather. I've been denying the fact that it's cold and I'm still bent on wearing my flip flops everywhere. I usually wear them well into the winter. I'd rather my toes fall of then shove them into stuffy sweaty tennis shoes.

There are some pluses to winter.
When winter comes it means it has to end.
I love the first days of spring, when the grass returns to it's happy and healthy color Trees brighten up with leaves and flowers, sometimes fruit. Taking the dogs out is no longer a dreaded task. Taking a warm shower is enjoyable.

There are so many negatives to winter, it's hard to find the positives.
Look, I'll try.

Positives to Winter 

1. The warm, cuddly feeling you get around the holidays.
2. Sometimes snow, as long there is a enough to not turn everything to sludge. (But it's obviously super cold. Blah.)
3. You get to drink a ton of hot drinks with out over heating. (But then  you loose---STOP IT, JOCELYN.**)
4. The dogs are super cute when they play in the snow.
5. I seriously can't think of anything else.

So, there are some ups to winter. I think.

But the worst part of winter is the fact that I get even more depressed during winter. Do you know how hard it is to do school work in winter? I'm depressed, cold and just plain out miserable, which makes my school work go down hill and keeps the cycle going.

Gawh, it's only fall and I'm already complaining about winter.  This is going to be a long winter, obviously.

Dear Spring and Summer,

It's Fall and I already miss you. I miss your warmth. How the sun dodges behind big clouds somedays and gives us beautiful, steady rain, or how it will jump out, lighting up the world and making me feel perfectly happy. 

I love the inspiration you give me. You tickle my creativity and make my imagination go wild. I feel like running, jumping, singing, and dancing whenever you return to me from your long journey. Winter isn't very nice to me. He's brutal, actually. He pokes me with icy cold needles. He buries me in my house, forbidding me from exiting. He even steals the sun and tucks it away somewhere. Somewhere far, far away. 
Next time you guys come along, could you possibly stay a little longer? Could you light up the sky just a little longer? Could you fill the air with the most beautiful scents and paint the world in your vibrant colors a tad bit longer? I want to feel your tingling warmth, your electrifying feel. I want to dig my toes deep into the earth, hugging it closer to me. There are so many things I want to do, but Winter won't permit me.

Spring, Summer...I miss you. Would you please come home? It's hard to live with out you. It's hard to even move around with out you. 

 I'm serious! Could you just come home? We all miss you. 



**Tee hee. I didn't finish my sentence. ;] 


  1. Miss H said...:

    I love Autumn/Winter!

    I love snuggling under the covers for warmth, I adore Autumn/Winter fashion, I adore the different coloured leaves that fall, I love snow, I love Halloween and Christmas and I love the dark mornings!

  1. Ovais said...:

    I love the winter.
    Not only do I get to celebrate my birthday, but I get time off from work and Uni. :D
    And, yes, it's fun to wear my turtle neck :D

  1. ... said...:

    I love winter! But that's just because where I live, the summers are wayyyyy too hot >.< I've never seen snow =(

  1. Jocelyn said...:


    Jusssttt kidding. Sort of.

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