
Saturday, December 24, 2011

It's Christmas Eve! Why am I so upset? Why am I blaming red, teary eyes on allergies? >.>


I'll expand later, when I'm not dealing my family of collective ass holes. Seriously, I want to go kick someone. Hard. Like so hard that they're knocked back to their 16th Christmas. Unless that someone is younger than 16.  Then I'll knock 'em back to the first Christmas. '

Wow. I need to calm down. Where is so alcohol for a minor when you need it? I need to chill. Drastically. (No, I don't drink. I'm just being stupid. It's a reoccurring theme in my life.)

*a rambling depressing post will soon be put here*



  1. ... said...:

    Awww, what's wrong, Joceyln? =< You can email me if you want?

  1. Ovais said...:

    You okay??
    It was my birthday yesterday. People are supposed to make each other happy and celebrate on my birthday :o

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