YouTube Junkie much?

Saturday, December 31, 2011
I've been sitting on my bum, sorta-maybe-probably not doing my schoolwork. Instead I've been spending my time watching a butt load of YouTube videos.

If you learn anything from this post it should be that I have no life. I mean, absolutely no life. (And I'm most likely going to take 29742947 breaks in the process of writing this post because I'm having serious Youtube withdraws. And why is it taking me so long to type things out? I feel like I'm typing at the rate of a snail...if a snail had fingers, of course.)

So, to put an end to my insane rambling (actually, I don't think this will stop it at all...) but I'm going to make a list of some of my favorite YouTubers. :D YAY!

Okay, so I'll limit myself to 5. Oh, and not in a particular order.

1. Ryan Higa


Yeaaaah. Do I need to say anything? 

2. KevJumba



3. Shane Dawson

So, he gets one video. There are so many of his and I can't remember all of my favorites. xD (Good fan, aren't I?) 

4. Chester See


Pahahahaha! Love. This. Video. xD

and I love this song....

And 5. DaveDays

Mwahahaha! Great idea. Best Justin B. parody ever. 

And I love this song. I bought it. :]

Okay. I'm done. 

And may I just say, I am not watching YouTube videos....

I'm watching stupid T.V shows on Hulu. 

Yay, me got brains! :D


5 Ways to Beat Up Depression

Tuesday, December 27, 2011
I usually envy people who are strangely optimistic, which results in unnecessary hate. But I shouldn't hate them. I should actually listen to them. 

As someone who has depression I need to be optimistic. I need to be able to tackle things with a bold, bright positive attitude. When I don't, I set myself up to fall. It is hard dealing with depression. I tend to take the door to my mind and heart and slam it tight, so no one knows the depression I face. 

It wasn't till yesterday that I told any of my friends I struggle with depression. It only came out when another friend mentioned having serious panic attacks, which I also fight with. (Funny side note: Once a panic attack caused me to think my shower was a shark. It isn't funny to me, but to everyone else it should be dag blam hilarious. xD) 

Anyway. I realized, at least for me, having depression is just like having an extra choir everyday. It takes work to deal with and it won't be easy. You can't snap your fingers and it will--poof!--be gone. No, instead you have to full on fight it, in the ring, everyday and one day you'll stand champion over it. 

Sure, fighting it isn't easy. In fact, it's probably is the hardest thing ever, but you can do it. So here are my 5 Ways to Beat Up Depression. I don't know if they're bullet proof, but they make logical sense. So, here we go!

1. Attack the Negative with a Positive 

When you have depression, negative thoughts come naturally. You don't even realize they are there until someone points it out. So, one of my first steps is to recognize your negative thoughts and reactions. Once you do that, you'll realize some of your negative reactions are a little absurd. And when you gain the ability to see your negatives, take the time to replace them with positives, or, as I say, attack them with positives. It doesn't matter if you don't necessarily believe your positives, because the truth is half the time we don't believe our negatives.  If we start using positives at the same time as negatives, soon, hopefully, we'll be balances out. 

2. Childish Thoughts vs. Adult Thoughts 

My therapist (is it bad that I remember how to spell therapist by putting together the rapist?) once explained to me something interesting about how our minds work. Things that happened we were younger were seen through a child's eyes, not an adults. Everything is taken in a different when you're a child. But the problem is, when you're older and you're looking back on a moment in the past, your memory comes from the child you. So, some things are dramatized and irrationality perceived. A 20 year old looking back on their parents divorce when they were five may still blame themselves for the divorce because they see it in the memory of their five year old self. The tool is to stop those irrational thoughts and return to your adult mind and think through it like an adult. Every time you deal with something from your past, remember who you were at that time and try to work through it in your 'adult' mind. 

3. Stay Focused on Your Target 

You hear it a bunch: "Stay focused!" Maybe in sports, dance, school, etc. But when you're fighting depression, stay focused on your goal. But in order to do that, you have to know what your goal is. Mine, personally, is to be strong enough to still have that lingering depression but still be able to live life with a smile on my face and the urge to be better and better. (If THAT made sense.) Once you have that goal in sight, make a dash for it. But you have to be aware of all the hurtles, pitfalls and other crap that will get in your way. Don't be afraid of the troubles that lay ahead, stay focused on your goal and give what you can to reach it. And don't set a goal the benefits only you, because in the end it only destroys you. Pick something that helps you by miles, but in some way can help other people around you. 

4. Don't Be Afraid to Try 

One of the worst things depression can do to you is shove you deep down into a little box. It makes you want to draw away from the whole world and have no outside contact. It seriously makes you want to lay there and never give up. Counter that blow with the exact opposite. Try new things all the time and don't be afraid of what other people think. I know, easier sad than done. But start with something small, like eating a new meal or walking a different route. Routine can be depression secret weapon. Why? Because then we get stuck in the routine and expect noting else and when things do get changed up, against our will, it drives us crazy. So, try, try and try again! (Wait...wrong context.) 

5. Enjoy Everything. 

Enjoy everything, even the hard battles. If we can look at our life and at least muster a pleasant smile, then we're doing good. When you're depressed, you tend to undermined yourself. You tell yourself that your life is a waste of space, on and on. And that's a lie. Everyone else knows that is a lie. You just have to realize that yourself. And you can do that by loving every moment of your life, embracing it. Hell, everything that has gone wrong in your life has been to your benefit. The wrongs have made you aware, ready for the next one, and stronger. Sure, they suck worse than a vacuum, but they are helpful in some ways. Look at your life and know that you're footprint on this world is a beautiful one, enjoy every moment of it. Depression is good at making us feel void when reality is, we're God's delight. 

I really hope my 5 steps help. I just came up with them myself and am using them to work on myself. Maybe, together, we can kick down depression. 

And maybe I'll shut up because this is getting WAY too sappy. ;]



Sunday, December 25, 2011
Yesterday and this morning were like walking with a 200 pound block on my back. And every once and a while it felt like a family member would laughingly press their foot against the block.

I cried for at least four hours last night. I finally took medication to knock me out.
But, finally, that cloud of depression has lifted and I'm back to normal. I had these random attacks of depression. Maybe I am bi-polar. It drives me crazy.

And, of course, I had to start my Christmas off like that. So depressed, only to have my mother snap at me about my mood.

Finally, after church I felt a little better. I felt even better when I had lunch and got to open the rest of my presents. So, hopefully my big, black cloud isn't coming to visit any time soon. God, I hope not.

Anyway, how has your holiday been? I have to go, but I love you all! MERRY CHRISTMAS! :]



Saturday, December 24, 2011

It's Christmas Eve! Why am I so upset? Why am I blaming red, teary eyes on allergies? >.>


I'll expand later, when I'm not dealing my family of collective ass holes. Seriously, I want to go kick someone. Hard. Like so hard that they're knocked back to their 16th Christmas. Unless that someone is younger than 16.  Then I'll knock 'em back to the first Christmas. '

Wow. I need to calm down. Where is so alcohol for a minor when you need it? I need to chill. Drastically. (No, I don't drink. I'm just being stupid. It's a reoccurring theme in my life.)

*a rambling depressing post will soon be put here*


Newest Addiction: The Lonely Island

Monday, December 19, 2011
My newest addiction is Andy Samberg.
Well, mostly what he does. I should say my newest addiction is Saturday Night Live. Or, maybe I should say it is the Lonely Island.

Don't know them?

Okay then. Here you go (warning: there is a lot of cussing if I'm right.):

So, you have to have a particular humor to like them, I guess. I have no clue. I just know I like them. And my favorite, of course, is Andy. I don't know why I like him best ether. xD They're obviously comedians, not wanna-be singers. But their music isn't like nails on chalkboard. It's not amazing, but it is super funny.

Anyway, I've become addicted to all things SNL and The Lonely Island and even Andy Samberg.
Is this a sign that I have no life?

Hell yes it it, hell yes.


Christmas List Anyone?

Sunday, December 18, 2011
My If-I-Could-Get-Anything-I-Wanted Christmas List

1. Another camera lens. (Yes, I do photography.)
2. An iPad. This list is already about $1,000 dollars. Hm, wow. xD
3. All my families bills to be paid.
4. All our house's problems (this list is so long.) to be fixes. Basically, we need a new house.
5. A new T.V, DVD Player and VCR Player.
6. A chocolate model of me. I want to eat myself. xD
7. For my brother and sister in law to have a private adoption.
8. Cable T.V
9. My own gym/dance room.
10. :]

What is your If-I-Could-Get-Anything-I-Wanted Christmas List? Do tell.


Bird Ring!

Friday, December 16, 2011
Today, for the first time in forever, two friends who I have been seemingly separated from came to one of our favorite shopping centers with me. I wasn't excited, or nervous,or anything. We had never really something like this and we've known each other for 10 years. 10 years.

We use to be so close. Then something, I don't know what, tore us down. We slowly rebuilt our friendship back into existence, but now something doesn't feel the same. When I'm with them, and just them (it's different around groups of friends), I feel like I'm swinging my arms around wildly trying to figure them out in this darkness. I want that friendship back, but it feels like I'm forcing something that just won't, can't and doesn't want to be. And that hits me in the gut like a hammer.

I dunno.
But I did have a good day. I've found a new shop that I'm in L-O-V-E with. It is called Charming Charlies. There I found one of the best rings in history. It is this golden bird, twisting around, wings splayed in different directions. It's so beautiful. It takes up half my finger. I like big rings.

I was debating between that one and this dazzling blue, green rhinestone lizard. Yes, I like animals.

Then, when we stopped by Clarie's, I checked the clearance rack and found so cute, blue and gold earrings for only $3.50. Very pleased.

I like finding some things I'll never stop loving. I mean, I know I can't say no to the bird ring. I'm going to be wearing it a lot.

Can you believe that Christmas is so close? One week basically. I have only gotten one present. Major shopping MUST be done. xD I hope that I don't do everything last minute. Because I do that too much already. I seriously can't procrastinate on Christmas presents!

What are you asking for this holiday season? Hm?

I asked for a list of random things. Mostly gift cards and money. I mean, honestly, those are the best gifts. People can get you a gift, but you get to decided what you buy with them. And I like that control. xD

I mean, who doesn't?


Christmas Movies

Thursday, December 15, 2011
Disclaimer: I'm not in  bad mood. xD



Hot CoCoa.

Christmas Trees.


Crappy, cheesy movies my mother forces me to watch. 

Seriously. Almost every day has ended with a piece-o-crap Christmas movie that makes me want to go puke in the tree stand. Yes, I am aware I'm sounding like a Grinch. No hating. 

I love Christmas. I freaking ADORE it. But I entirely loathe (haha, a good Christmas movie right there) bad, so-sappy-my-jaw-is-stuck-to-the-floor Christmas movies. The holidays aren't for curling up and watching movies about Timmy, the poor boy who wins the lotto, gets cancer then DIES. Oh, wait. No, everyone sings a Christmas carol at the end and sheds a few tears for Timmy. That makes everything better! 

Timmy is probably thinking, "FML...oh, wait. I'M DEAD, PEOPLE. YOU COULD DO A LITTLE MORE." 

Anyway. I'll stop being Mrs. Grinch and tell you about Christmas movies I DO like. 

Everyone likes the classic tale of A Christmas Carol. I like it even better when the Muppets do it, or when there is a clever twist on it, like Scrooged. 

I also love How The Grinch Stole Christmas. I remember when I first saw it, I was scared of the Grinch. And too this day, in the beginning, when he does that evil smile, I can not look with out screaming. Seriously. I don't like creepy smiles. They haunt me. They haunt me like mental images of fat dudes in spandex. 

One of my all time favorites is A Christmas Story. I laugh a billion times no matter how many times I see it. Honestly, if you don't laugh in that movie, or don't think its funny, then you're ether the Grinch's ugly child or your insane. Just letting you know. 

And I don't mind exploring all the Christmas movies out there. But, honestly, half of them turn out to be directed towards burnt out mothers who want to sit on their bum, down too many sugar cookies and cry. And I'm pretty sure those mothers would agree half of these Christmas movies don't even cut that ribbon. 

So, in short. I like Christmas movies. I love Christmas. 
I hate stupid, sappy Christmas movies that have no point other than to make you puke. 

Ho, ho, ho! (I'm not in a bad mood. Just thought I'd share my thoughts on bad Christmas moves. xD) 



Wednesday, December 14, 2011
I think I sometimes forget how awesome Christmas is. And then it comes around and you just want to physically hug it. 


But you know what just made this Christmas season even better? What made it twenty times better than any other already? 

Misfits is coming back to Hulu. 

Oh, yes, I'm this excited over one T.V show. But this is THE T.V show! If any of you have watched it, you know it is somehow the best show out there! Actually, I have no clue why I like it. 

Maybe it is Nathan's insanity. He's insane, proud and like a five year old in a teenagers body. 

One of my favorite moments. He is so ADD-ish. There are so many good quotes by him! 
And I love how he treats Simon. He's such a jerk to him, but he loves him all the same. I think. xD lol He's a dick, but a loveable dick. Wait. That sounded so strange. Sorry. SCRATCH THAT. 

And they all have awesome accents. Beast. And Simon, you just wanna hug him.
LOOK AT THAT FACE! So expressive. He looks like a innocent, hot, puppy. xD Yeah, don't ask. And yes, everyone thinks he's weird, well, sort of. I mean, as the plot goes on he's not AS strange. 

And I could go on and on about this show, but I can't because of my stupid school break reading. Gawh.  I'd rather be a regular teenage lazy bum at the moment and watch Misfits. xD

I sound so smart. 


My Love

Thursday, December 8, 2011
My simple heart, beating to the strings of a song,
thumping along with the pounding drum,
oh, how I know I belong. 

I found that fragment of a poem recently. I sat there, rubbing my chin, trying to figure out what it was about. Then, aha!, I had it. It was about dancing. 

Oh, gawh, I love dancing. I love it so much. It's like a romantic relationship, full of ups and down, tears and joy. Sometimes I want to give up on it, other times I'm sure it is all I want to do. Sure, I lack the years of practice most dancers do, but I don't lack the love for it. The soul consuming love. Every time I dance I actually think I have a chance. 

There has never been anything else in my life that made me feel that way. Well, maybe being a writer, but it wasn't till recently that I really squinted into the future and thought about it. Writing is always something that I love and can get a natural high from, but it doesn't do the same thing to me as dancing does. It also doesn't give me muscle and keep me fit. 

I know I've rambled on about my love for dance before. But it hasn't been till now that I know, for sure, how much dance means to me. I couldn't imagine living in that stupid town in Footloose! (And you don't want to imagine me going on a full blown rant about all the things that make Footloose one of the shittiest movies ever.) 

Anyway. I might have some of the most painful burns on my feet and be missing big chunks of my skin everywhere because of dancing, but that is an odd pleasure. XD

I get discouraged a lot in my dancing. But I also get encouraged by others, which is all I need. If I keep on working hard, no matter how cheesy it sounds, I will become better. I know I can. (Yeah! Look at that positive thinking! )

I can't choose a style of dance I like best. Ballet is so elegant, but fierce. Like a royal, hot tongue beauty. It brings out something fiery but graceful in dancers. 

Then there is lyrical or contemporary, which is like a loose ballet. Contemporary holds so much emotion. Whatever mood is pulsing through your veins burst out in contemporary. 
 And then there is Jazz. Jazz is like a classy hip hop, in my opinion. It brings back the old days, but keeps it hot and sexy. 

And, finally, hip hop, where it's about your style. How you want to make it, what fits you best. Hip hop is broad because each person has their own way to do things and that is what makes it so cool. It is orderly chaos. 

It's all different and it's all awesome. I don't know which one I would go with. At the moment, I'd say hip hop because you can blend in just about any other type of dance with it. But, hm, I don't know. I just know I love dance. 

What do you love? (And Ovais, it has to be an activity, not a certain person. :p) 


We Wish You...

Tuesday, December 6, 2011
December 6th. 
Holy cow, it is December 6th. Seriously, did I step into a time machine? I feel like we're still in the year 1995. 

But it is the Christmas Season!! Yes! Who cares if we skipped a couple years and suddenly landed on Christmas. I mean, out of ALL the times to land on, this is the best!

It's time to down gallons of hot cocoa. Well, not down. You sip it, but you sip a ton of it. Or just hot drinks in general. Like at our local coffee shop, which has some of the best holiday drinks ever. 

The other day, while at a Barnes & Nobel, I stopped at Starbucks and devoured a whole peppermint mocha frappe. Aw, I loved it. Mmm, coffee. I also love chocolate covered cherries. I get a box every Christmas. 

Gawh! Do those not look amazing? 
Can you tell that I have a bit of a, urm, sweet tooth? Haha, no, no way. Hell, I can't even say that sarcastically. Sugar and I, we're pretty tight. Chocolate and I, we're tighter than a fat man wearing spandex. Oh, wow. That was a BAD mental image. I'm so, so, sorry. xD

Anyway, I was making this post to say the obvious:



Even if you don't celebrate it, you got to admit that it is a pretty cool holiday. So warm. It makes winter better. There is an insane amount of random happiness that no one can explain when Christmas comes. Even if you're a grumpy old man, there is something good and warm about you on Christmas. 

Okay, I'll stop the terrible, sappy, Hallmark rant. 



Truth Is...Guys

Sunday, December 4, 2011
I judge guys on their looks, a lot. 

I understand that loving someone for who they are and also loving their 'body', but I won't even consider a guy if he isn't attractive or smart. 

Not like I have guys crawling over me, but honestly! I should not be stuck on a guys looks. You have to be over 80% good looking. (If that made sense.) I don't know why I do it. I really do have high standards for guys. Here, I'll create a list. 

1) Good looking(duh.)
2)Smart, but not a smart-ass. Because, then, I wanna kick his smart little ass. 
3) Cocky can be good. In the innocent, this is the way I am works. The I think I'm king of the world just because I scored a goal in a soccer game does not work. 
4) Funny. You have to make me laugh, dang it! 
5) Have to do something I like. The following (off the top of my head) are good qualifiers: dance (ballroom, hip hop jazz, ballet mebbe, as long as you do not wear tights.), soccer, football, sketching/painting, photography, dog training, snowboarding, karate, boxing, acting, musician (if he plays the cello, ohmygawh), cooking, potter (oddly enough)  and I'll end with digital artist. 
6) Wonderful, heart-stopping, beautiful smile. That might fall under looks, but to me that deserves it's own category. 
7) Doesn't care when I'm moody. Just knows I'm not usually like that and I try not to be. 
8) He can recognize pretty girls, because I know he is a guy, but he must be willing to fight the urge to 'look'.
9) Gotta have a plan for his life. 
10) MUST think a little like me.
11)Must want to be more than some lazy bum. 
And finaallly, 12) He better like hugs. Cause I love hugs. 

And, yeah. There is my selfish list. xD
Do you guys have selfish list of qualifications about your boy/girl? Of course you do. Don't lie. Don'y you do it. 


**Jocelyn **