A Thrill

Saturday, November 19, 2011
I was riding in the car with my mom today, heading back from Wal*Mart, cold and tired. In other words, it was so typical. I felt so annoyed for some reason and I couldn't place my big, fat finger on it. It was when we were rounded the bend, going towards the library, that it hit me straight on.

I'm bored.

It sounds Juvenal, unappreciative and every other bad thing out there, but...its true. I want adventure. I'm a thrill seeker stuck in a town the size of a thumbnail, I have a life full of emotional roller coaster that aren't even attached to anything exciting.

Ever since I was little, I've been stuck in this dreamy state of magic, adventure, and exploration. I guess it finally sunk in that, that isn't what life is. I won't run into the same heart-skipping, blood-pulsing experiences story book characters do. I've always dreamed, dreamed and dreamed of the moments my story would unwind, but it hasn't.

It won't.

That's so depressing. I hate actually taking my head out of the fairy land clouds for a second to see the dull, dreary world around me. Okay, I take that back. Its not dull, it's not boring--it's me. I just can't accept the creation God made because I've been la-laing through life.


I want to shout out to Areesha (Me, Myself and I), who even if I don't ever reply and take forever to follow her blog and still comments on my blog, for reaching 50 followers. She's so kind, she's brilliant and I love what she has to say.

I'd also like to shout out to Ovais (18 Downing Street), who is super duper awesome and nice to me too. :D And, well, you have some important things to say too. And you make me  laugh.

Thanks you guys for being awesome! :D :D :D :D



  1. ... said...:

    Thanks for the shout-out =D I love your blog.

    I know how you feel. I live in one of the biggest cities here in Pakistan, but my life revolves around the same buildings and same people. The most exciting thing that's happened to is... I can't even remember what it was...

    Living in that fairy tale land is what keeps me sane, but sometimes it's hard keeping a grip on reality.

  1. Jocelyn said...:

    "Living in that fairy tale land...keeping a girl on reality." Now that is so true.

    I'm glad I'm not the only one trying to pry their head from those fluffy white clouds. xD

  1. ... said...:

    Haha, no you're not =) I swear, I think we're sisters eh? =P

  1. Jocelyn said...:

    Sisters! I would love one! xD

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